Pangolin is actually mammals (size from 30 to 100 cm) and also they are wholly-covered in scales. The pangolin is one of the most highly trafficked mammals in the world. The lizard-looking pangolin is as small as a domestic cat, and some pangolins resemble medium-sized dogs.
Pangolin naturally protects itself from predators such as large cats because it shrinks like a ball. Unfortunately the only predator they have is man and therefore pangolin cannot be protected from man.
According to some estimates, human hunters have increasingly hunted pangolins. More than a million pangolins have been hunted in the past. According to some estimates, only eight species of pangolin are found and tropical Asia and sub-Saharan Africa are now endangered "pangolin". Pangolin was killed for a variety of uses, including luxury goods and medicine. The biggest demand in China and Vietnam is for pangolin "scales". The rich eat pangolin (pangolin embryos are sometimes consumed in soups). However, for the commercial trade of pangolins, the continued hunting of these animals occurs at an alarming rate. Loss of pangolin habitats and their slow reproduction (Produces only one child per year) increases the risk of extinction.
Unveiling the Enigma of Pangolins: Earth's Unique Scaled Mammals
Welcome, curious minds, to the fascinating world of pangolins - mysterious creatures often overlooked but with tales as captivating as the densest jungle. As we embark on this journey, we will unravel the enigma of pangolins, exploring their peculiar traits, habits, and the alarming challenges they face.
Exploring the Pangolin Mysteries
What is a pangolin?
Pangolins, contrary to common belief, are not reptiles; they are unique mammals entirely cloaked in scales. These scales serve as their armor, transforming them into nature's marvels. When threatened, pangolins ingeniously curl into a tight ball, deploying their sharp-scaled tails as a formidable defense mechanism.
What do pangolins eat?
Known as "the scaly anteater," pangolins have a palate exclusively designed for the ant and termite delicacies. Devoid of teeth, they utilize their sticky tongues, extending beyond their body length, to capture these tiny delights. Witnessing a pangolin feast is a marvel, a testament to their resourcefulness.
The most trafficked mammal in the world?
Tragically, pangolins hold the dubious honor of being among the world's most trafficked mammals. In the bustling markets of China and Vietnam, their meat is savored as a delicacy, and their scales are sought after in traditional medicine. Despite protective measures, the clandestine trade persists, posing a grave threat to all eight pangolin species.
Is there any good news for pangolins?
In 2016, a beacon of hope emerged as over 180 governments collectively decided to halt all legal trade of pangolins. However, the battle is far from won. Illegal trade looms large, and organizations like WWF and TRAFFIC tirelessly strive to diminish consumer demand, safeguarding these remarkable beings from extinction.
What can I do to help pangolins?
Become a guardian of wildlife by joining the Stop Wildlife Crime campaign. Pangolins, the world's most trafficked non-human mammals, desperately need our collective effort. Stand with us against illegal trade, the gravest threat they face.
Characteristics and behavior
Pangolins, nocturnal and solitary, roam the ground in sizes ranging from a large housecat to over four feet. Adorned in keratin scales, they are akin to scaly anteaters. When danger lurks, they transform into a resilient ball, releasing a defensive fluid, a spectacle to behold.
Pangolins reveal their familial side during mating and nurturing the young. Fathers may linger in dens until their single offspring gains independence. Born with soft scales, the babies ride on their mothers' tails, a tender sight, until they are weaned at about three months. Sexual maturity graces them around the age of two.
In this exploration of pangolins, we've uncovered their hidden world, teeming with challenges and marvels. As stewards of the Earth, let's unite to safeguard these extraordinary creatures. Join the mission to protect pangolins and ensure their enchanting tales endure for generations to come.